India’s 5 PM glory!
Celebration of unity while in isolation
This writing stems from rather pure emotion than a “thought out post”. In the midst of over draining our brain with Coronavirus related information, some billion people in India took to their balconies at 5PM IST to clap, clank vessels, bust out drums and cheer hard, as a way to show their gratitude to the mighty docs, nurses and every other worker braving their lives everyday while we have the luxury to self quarantine ourselves at home! This comes after Prime Minister Modi had urged the entire country of India to remain indoors from 7 AM — 9PM on Sunday, March 22nd and to only step out at 5PM to show their appreciation!
I woke up this morning to a flood of videos of my grandparents and my family members along with thousands of others participating in today’s festivities and the energy was palpable- I for real could sense it even from 9000 miles away! You see, just like myself, there are several other people away from their home countries and during tough times like so, we would much rather be closer to our loved ones! Those videos not only instill a sense of pride but also serve as reassurance that we are indeed a WHOLE, fighting this battle as ONE. It shortens the distance between families and it makes 9000 miles away feel like nothing!
At this time, safety and social distancing is of paramount importance. Sure, taking care and stocking up on groceries for ourselves is #1 on our priority charts, but there’s more to it! Recognizing that our actions can play a huge part in impacting thousands of lives around us is crucial and is exactly what The “Janta Curfew” (what folks are calling this self-quarantine period at home) is trying to teach.
Cases of the virus in India, is slowly climbing up the ladder, but this move to enforce lockdown, even for just a day, is a step to further curb the cases from exponentially growing and emphasize the need for social distancing! Watching videos of my parents and several other amazing souls, from every nook and cranny in India, collectively applauding for all the tireless workers is a true expression of unity! It symbolizes willingness of all citizens to not only battle out this long fight against the virus, but also come out shining victorious!
Be it Italians singing from their balconies or Indians applauding from theirs, It’s moments like this that act as glimmers of hope and restores your faith in humanity, despite all odds. Its a constant reminder that the only way to go far, is to go together. One cannot attain freedom, if he/she is only thinking and fending for themselves. More power comes from more people acting responsibly. especially NOW.
The road to recovery is surely long from here and it doesn’t just stop with this one day or one act. Consistent efforts need are needed. However, with all the distress in the world right now, let’s all recoup our spirits by taking inspiration from instances like today’s and continue to fight this together! JAI HIND.