My coping mechanisms this work from home season

Apoorva Addepalli
4 min readJun 30, 2020

It’s been a minute since I last wrote something. I think an apt explanation of what I am feeling is lulls and peaks in energy. Sometimes I feel like a superwoman ready to conquer my day, but most times I feel like the wimpy kid chugging along what’s coming to be the mundane routine of our new normal. Days are all blending in together and somehow minutes are passing by recollecting what happens to be distant memories. In the midst of it all, we’re somehow already over half way through 2020, as I’ve spent most of it on my couch!!

Just like everybody else right now on planet earth, I am exhausted. While It’s almost like I want to fast-forward through this part to the happy ending (what is that even these days?).. I understand that we have to find a way to ride the wave. If not, we will drown at the force of it.

Saying so, after experimenting with several different ways to keep myself motivated, I’ve uncovered 5 broad mechanisms that have worked well for me so far, to get through this period. I hope while you’re reading this, you feel one less lonely or guilty about things. We’re all in this together!

EATING (duhhhh…)

At the start of quarantine, my brother and I would venture out to the middle east (virtually), for food recipes. We went to great lengths, WEEKS together (no kidding) to hunt for yeast at the grocery store just to make good ol’ babkas. Sure that was fun then, but just like all good things come to an end, the fun of experimenting with cooking has officially evaporated. But safe to say, the hunger has not!

Since I’m a “certified emotional eater”, let’s just say this quarantine season I thank god everyday for my high- waisted leggings for camouflaging my growing 5 month old food baby. When people ask me how I’m doing right now.. I say “ I don’t feel amazing, but I just made myself a chocolate mug cake!” (because chocolate fixes everything!).

Nerd mode on

To me, the need of the hour starts with two E’s: EDUCATE and EMPATHIZE. And boy have I been embracing the duo more than I embrace my tub of ice cream! Times like now is a rude awakening, but it is this time I’ve deep dove into subject matters I’ve been putting off or have been uncomfortable toying with.

I’ve been reading a ton. Nerding out myself and educating the ones around me a ton. But most importantly, I’ve been really trying to practice being empathetic- that’s not just listening, but truly imagining being in that person’s shoes to understand the depth of their emotions. Again, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, which is exactly why this is my coping mechanism. All this getting me more knowledgeable and less judgmental.

Meditation and embracing silence

I…ME- THE LOUDEST PERSON YOU’LL EVER COME ACROSS IN YOUR LIFE, is cool with SILENCE?? If you met me 3 months ago, I would NEVER have said this!

But recent times has desperately pushed me to find a way to channel my reservoir of energy into doing something productive other than falling prey to my doozy of toxic thoughts. I randomly decided to commit to a month long 10 min-mediation-a- day challenge with my girlfriends and it worked! I am finally comfortable with silence.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s helped me get more intact with my inner emotions. On a broader scale, also make peace with the uncertainty that comes with life, especially at this moment. It’s a work in progress, but embracing meditation calms me. It makes me appreciate silence and live with it.


Striving to create purposeful and meaningful conversations with friends and family has been my mission this season. Just so that all of us can walk away feeling positive and less burdened (TIP: That’s one way to build empathy!). With how fractured our world is currently, these kinds of conversations have massively bridged the physical distance between us. It’s brought us close through the eye of “hope”.

The definition for “meaningful conversations” though, can mean a plethora of things! For me, I always try to find common grounds of interests to talk about that would help renew our spirits. For example, talking business and productivity with dad, learning about my faith from mum, picking up activities with friends (virtually) to get us all more connected. Works like a charm, EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.


Saving the best for the last. Expression has been so so liberating for me. Whether its writing, singing or talking. It’s found me solace. I love journaling and that’s lifted the weight off my head by heaps. Other things like music and participating in discussions has been motivating for my mind and soul. I believe that every time I express myself, my raw emotions take shape when I word them and there’s something so empowering about it.

But the form of expression can mean so many different things to people. It could be painting or singing or dancing or advocating or posting pictures on Instagram, whatever that might be for you, you need to fully immerse yourself in it. The important thing here is to let it out and find a way to showcase what you are feeling, because expression can be oh so powerful in helping you navigate through this weird time. Its your safe space, go crazy!

