We started our own PODCAST!!!

Apoorva Addepalli
4 min readDec 10, 2021


I first thought of launching a podcast (or “pod” as you will often see me referring to) back in April 2020. Cut to a solid year and a half later, here we are launching our pod!! Best of all is that I get to do this with one of my closest friends from college. There’s a sense of pride and happiness that comes with writing this post. Firstly, for our friendship to take on a new identity and secondly, because I am personally manifesting a goal I set for myself a long time ago!

To get you all inducted into this pod territory, we’ve crafted a Q&A piece. Its an honest effort for you all to better understand the essence of our little brainchild!

AFTER 21 is a podcast started by two 20-something year old college friends. Inspired by their many “Chai-dates”, as they like to call it, they wanted to start conversations to shed light on the many challenges we face as young adults transitioning from adulthood to college. Thus, After 21 came about! Each episode provides actionable takeaways to help you tackle the growing obstacles of navigating life After 21.

Question 1. How did you land on wanting to start a pod?

Rhea: Starting a podcast was always something that I played around with. I thought it would be a fun way to share life experiences. Though I never had the chance to dig deep into it. But when it came up in one of my conversations with Apoorva, it just made perfect sense to jump in!

Apoorva: I’ve always been someone who’s had a lot to say and a lot to share. A part of me starting my blog was for that exact reason. I had a vague idea to start a pod on navigating adulthood for the longest time and was in need of a partner. All it took was one random catch-up-on-life call with Rhea that led me to pitching this idea! And the rest is history.

Question 2: Why did you specifically create a pod that revolves around life “After 21”?

Rhea: For us, a lot of our catch up calls revolved around us venting/supporting each other about stuff that happened in our life after college. We realized that if there are topics we’ve been struggling with, then there has to be others as well.

Apoorva: To me it was simple. We’ve all been dealing with uncertainty about our future and grappling with the reality of “adulting”. There is no real manual to navigating through your 20’s. And yet so many life altering conversations were happening behind the scenes with my friends! We figured if we can highlight and add to those subjects, it’ll enable people with more courage to carry on thriving in their 20’s!

Question 3: The first month’s theme is all about “Friendships”. Any reason why you wanted your initial couple episodes to be around that?

Rhea: It felt like an organic topic considering our friendship was so important to us. It felt like the right way to introduce the pod and use it as our base month!

Apoorva: We started this podcast because of our friendship. We’ve also had similar life experiences as South Asians. Its like an homage to how far we’ve come and how important friendships are for twenty something year old’s! It’s the perfect intro topic.

Question 4: Tell us more on what to expect from this podcast

Rhea: This pod is meant to feel like you’re just chatting with two friends! You can expect to hear us just talking about how we’re navigating the world of after 21, and also hear different viewpoints from our guests as we bring them on for advice!

Apoorva: A lot of spice and a lot of Chai that’s being spilled (that’s an anecdote we overuse on this pod!). In addition to everything Rhea said, every episode will contain 3 actionable takeaways that you can incorporate in your life to better tackle that obstacle. So not only do we hope this pod is relatable, but also hope that it is helpful.

Question 5: List your favorite podcasts

Rhea: Snacks Daily and Fun on the Weekends

Apoorva: Rhea and I share a common denominator and that’s Snacks Daily!! Our pod is inspired from their format. I also like The Daily, Hidden Brain and Life Kit.

Question 6: Lastly, what’s your biggest takeaway in your experience of trying to survive life After 21?

Rhea: Realizing that life gets harder and more complicated. It’s not about making it easier, but learning how to manage the different moving parts while keeping true to yourself and keeping yourself happy.

Apoorva: Learning that everyone in their 20’s are trying their best to figure things out. So in that process, experiment as much as you can and be kind(er) to yourself. Nothing is 100% guaranteed just yet!

After 21 is co-hosted by Apoorva Addepalli and Rhea Khattoi. Episodes comes out every Wednesday on Spotify, Youtube and Anchor. The focus will be on “Friendships” for the month of December. Make sure to subscribe and follow their Instagram page @usafter21 to stay posted on any updates!

Main Links:

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3kHoYLykhvRxNrAeSf7OYS?si=F889rmYTRE-BIhH9GDPHbQ&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A4kFIG5gun3nlp1bXu4o9Tr

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ysji5FXqyXo&t=76s



Apoorva Addepalli
Apoorva Addepalli

Written by Apoorva Addepalli

TRYING to let my curiosity take charge and pave the paper ahead of me! https://apieceofapoorva.com/

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